During the last minutes of 6th period, a girl fell asleep and woke up 5 minutes after school ended and immediately began reciting homework problems so as not to be accused of sleeping.
A student came to 1st period late on a teachers planning day (no school) and apologized for being late.
I fell off the podium while conducting a piece…okay…twice.
We let a sleeper sleep through lunch.
If it was funny, it didn’t happen in my classroom!
The day I wore different color shoes to school.
My class gave me a surprise birthday party that I organized myself.
When a student told me he didn’t want to read Hamlet; he had to read Shakespeare.
The student who took ROTC because he thought it meant Repairing Old Time Cars.
When my stuffed teddy bear was found hanging from a rope.
Some students accidentally locked me in a small office with the only key to the office in my pocket.
Was when, a student was not allowed to go to the restroom, the girl then used a wastebasket instead-in the room.
I overheard two of my girls discussing their Friday night escapades-WOW!
As I leaned on my lectern it fell forward and I landed in the middle of my students.
A cadet wore a "red bow tie" with his uniform on inspection day.